Sunday, September 21, 2014

Playing Sports

    What is your favorite sport? Why do you like this sport? I do not know what kind
     of sport do you prefer, but I'm sure that you like it because of the following  reasons:
    Life Style - Heath Care - The human being need to take care with its health, our body is like a machine that have to be lubricated, and a essential manner to do this, is practicing sports. When a person is practicing sports, its body is solicited in differents ways, the heart work more hard and the blood’s circulation is increased, cleaning the veins. Who pratices any kind of sports have a better quality of life than who is sedentary. The second reason is Entertainment – many people practice sport for diversion, they are not worried about the results, or about the impact of thisactivity in their lives, the goal in this group is only play for fun 
    whatever the modality. 

    Another reason is for Professional Level - this  group of people look at sport in a different perspective, sport is a type of career, is a way to survive, is what they want to do in their professional lives. To become a professional in any sport is needed dedication, the person has to invest his time to practice every day, because, practice bring perfection, and in a professional level the seek for perfection is required.
    No matter the reason, no matter the modality, sport makes we better, so stand up, go forward and enjoy your life playing sports.

1 comment:

  1. I see this is similar to your classification. Remember blogs are free space for topics, but they do need to follow the analytical response format.
